As a false disciple, you should not be lying about God. That is taking the name of the Lord in vain and blaspheming. Read my stories. They explain that Jesus came to explain what was actually from God and what was from men in the Hebrew scriptures. He spoke against human rules and traditions as Isaiah did--Mark 7:5-8, Isaiah 29:13.
Jesus commanded that you love your neighbor as yourself. He said that everyone is your neighbor and He told you not to judge others because all judgment is His alone. To not follow this is to not follow Jesus and if you aren't a follower of Jesus, you aren't a Christian, period.
And, just in case you are a Jew or Muslim, explain what Isaiah was speaking of. Also, explain all of the contradictions in the Hebrew scriptures. That is what Jesus came to do. If you are a Jew, Jesus may not be your Messiah but He was a wisdom filled Yanuka and Jewish rabbi. He learned all of the Hebrew scriptures at an early age then explained them all to bring people to the truth of the God of all mankind.
I know because God came to me. Then, I searched to see which religion or spirituality actually spoke the truth of God. That turned out to be Jesus and some of the Hebrew prophets along with Native American spirituality which teaches the same things.