Critical Race Theory

The Expanded Version

Did you know that the first Americans were black? This isn’t an attempt to promote black identity or a conspiracy theory. This is a fact. Watch “BBC: The First Americans Were Black Aboriginals Of American Indian Descent” on YouTube. Yes, the British Broadcasting Corporation, a credible source. There are many other credible videos on YouTube. You have to search to ensure that you aren’t only finding conjecture and opinion but credible sources. They are there, though, if you do your research and they are free. I suggest that everyone watch these videos to educate themselves and others in an attempt to stem the inherent racism still occurring today in the United States.

Ancient African Carved Relief Sculpture Courtesy of Pixabay
Ancient African Carved Relief Sculpture Courtesy of Pixabay

I have watched videos from Black Excellence and Abundance on YouTube. I even subscribed. I don’t subscribe often. This man amazes me. For all of my studies, he has taught me a lot. He provides in-depth information and credible sources. I greatly appreciate that he takes away the whitewash that occurred when Europeans conquered and enslaved people around the world, then forced them to adopt European culture while making every effort to erase their cultures. As they say, the victor writes the history. This is greatly disturbing to me because young people in grade school, high school and college are not receiving the truth about people around the world or even in their own country. This is starting to change a little but not enough. There were great civilizations that non-white people created. There were great inventions that non-white people invented BEFORE the Europeans. I want to know who writes the textbooks. Actually, I know who they are. They are the publishing companies owned by rich white people. This is racism at its finest or is that at its worst?

The fact that white history is thoroughly covered but non-white history is primarily covered up is disgusting. Young people are being taught lies. All over the world, there were so many things that were achieved. In North America, Central America, South America, Africa, Asia, and even Australia people did great things but let’s not write much about that. Let’s give it a paragraph in textbooks. Although the textbook publishers charge exorbitant amounts of money for their latest greatest versions, the textbooks virtually never change. There may be a sentence here or there but no real updates about Africans, First Citizens or Asians. Let’s just pretend that those people were too stupid to figure anything out. Racism. The white people are always right. The darker the skin of the people, the stupider they were. And we wonder why racism is so prevalent in the United States.

Chichen Itza Mexico Courtesy of Wikimedia Creative Commons

Did you even know that all other continents did have great civilizations and inventions or was that skipped in what you were taught? Maybe you sort of knew. Did you bother trying to find out whether most of what you learned as history was propaganda or did you not? I was taught, at a very early age that I was not white, well, not entirely white. My father told me not to tell people but I never passed. I never believed that white people were any better than me or anyone else. I did see, though, that white people ruled the world. They still do.

Let me explain that I don’t hate white people and that I am predominantly white but, on both sides of my family, I am also other than white. No, I am not Elizabeth Warren. On my father’s side, my grandmother was Osage and, on my mother’s side, my great grandmother was, wait for this, Spanish Gypsy. Yes, really! By the way, Gypsies came from India. They are called Gypsies by Europeans because they mistakenly thought that they came from Egypt. They call themselves Rom, not Gypsy. My mother’s grandmother was a Gypsy mixed with Spanish. So, I have most races. What I don’t have, my children do. This gives me an interesting perspective. I see truth and lies as what they are. To me, it is very important that the non-white stigma be lifted and that white entitlement take a back seat — for once. I would hope that everyone sees this. Does everyone not see that there is still job discrimination, housing discrimination, loan discrimination and many other types of discrimination?

With all of this in mind, I even tried to find out what the big problem with Critical Race Theory (CRT) was. I saw that many white people did not want CRT taught in their schools. According to those people, CRT teaches their poor white children racism. Now, if all things were equal and if we wanted to cover up history, maybe that would be true. However, those non-racist children will experience racism at some point. Isn’t it important that they understand that there is racism and what caused it when they eventually run into it? I would think that non-racist parents would want their children to understand because they will see this at some point.

So, I searched and searched but couldn’t find any information on CRT. Eventually, I found a book and I bought the book. The book I bought was Critical Race Theory: An Introduction by Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic. By the time I had reached page three of the introduction, I knew that CRT was what I already knew and believed. Let me provide the paragraph that really explained it. A. What Is Critical Race Theory? The Critical Race Theory (CRT) movement is a collection of activists and scholars engaged in studying and transforming the relationship among race, racism, and power. The movement considers many of the same issues that conventional civil rights and ethnic studies discourses take up but places them in a broader perspective that includes economics, history, setting, group and self-interest, and the emotions and the unconscious. Unlike traditional civil rights discourse, which stresses incrementalism, and step-by-step progress, critical race theory questions the very foundations of the liberal order, including equality theory, legal reasoning, Enlightenment rationalism, and neutral principles of constitutional law. Too liberal for you? Then you need to continue reading. Liberal, actually, means one who is open-minded or not strict in the observance of orthodox, traditional, or established forms or ways, according to the Merriam Webster dictionary. It doesn’t mean pandering to political interests as some might believe. Conservative, on the other hand, means tending or disposed to maintain existing views, conditions, or institutions. So, let’s not change anything for the better. We like having dominion over other people for our own purposes. I call that the hawks and doves. That’s what we called it back in the 70s. The hawks are in charge of doves. This is kind of like the fox being in charge of the hen house.

Native American Farming Courtesy of Courtesy of Wikimedia Creative Commons
Native American Farming Courtesy of Wikimedia Creative Commons

White people aren’t any better than anyone else, period. Many white people just believe that they are. You know, white entitlement. They believe that because they are the predominant race in the United States and other countries, “We are in power and we plan to keep it that way. We want to keep all of the money that we can by keeping it away from anyone who doesn’t fit our image, that is, white”. Not being entirely white, I feel that the Europeans were barbaric barbarians when they brutally took over the world and forced peaceful people to do everything that they wanted for their own gratification. In fact, Europeans took First Citizen lands because First Citizens did not own land. They shared. They believed that land should not be owned. The land was sacred to them. They did not believe in polluting the land. How about that for a thought?

Some white Americans still have the mindset, today, that they can possess anything even people. That isn’t civil, thus, the term civil right. That goes along with of the people, by the people and for the people in the Declaration of Independence. It also goes along with all men are created equal also found in the Declaration of Independence. That is what our country was founded on but not what it has done — ever. I don’t only believe this because of my heritages which I am proud of but because I served in the military for many years for that specific reason. I’m a genuine patriot. That is what America is supposed to be. That is what America was founded for. Anyone who wants to believe otherwise is anti-American. I don’t care if they scream that they are pro-America. They are anti-American. In many other countries, people aren’t categorized by race. They are a nationality. That is what America should be but it isn’t.

Let me go back to tell you a little more about ancient history. You may have heard about a site in Turkey called Gobekli Tepe. It is over 11,500 years old. It was covered up to preserve it by the people who created it. I am a Christian but I do not agree that the Bible is perfect. The world is not 4,000 years old. That was Jewish history. People, especially some supposed Christians, have confused that with the history of the earth. That is cultish.

Iron Pillar at Qutub Minar Delhi Courtesy of Pixahive

There is also Dwarka, India. It was built 10,000 years ago. India Times states Was it a tsunami which hit Dwarka? No, said Rajiv Nigam, who is head of the Geological Oceanography Division, National Institute of Oceanography, GOA. Evidences are that a tsunami hit the western coast of India about 8000 years before present (BP), but Dwarka submerged due to rise in the sea level. Nigam has done extensive research on depth fluctuations along Indian coasts. He was in Department of Geology, Lucknow University, to deliver the MR Sahni Memorial Lecture. You mean India has professors? People have degrees there? Really? I never knew that. I am being I’m being flippant. India has an amazing history. No, it isn’t just myths. That is what the colonizers call any history written by people from predominantly non-white countries or areas when the Europeans or Americans have not yet discovered that they weren’t just stories. They were facts. Poor India. They are trying to get the word out about their great civilization but few will listen until the Europeans say it is so. That is racism. I think that the European and American archaeologists do agree that the pillar at Qutub Minar in Delhi has never rusted over 1,600 years so far. I’m betting on another 10,000 or more years. We Americans and the Europeans can’t do that today.

Ancient Chinese Compass Courtesy of Flickr
Ancient Chinese Compass Courtesy of Flickr

Do I have to explain Eastern Asia to you? All of the inventions and amazing architecture before Europe? The hand canon, a seismograph, all sorts of mechanics, hydraulics and mathematics among other things in China. Chinese alchemists discovered gunpowder. If I try to tell you about the rest of East Asia, this writing will get very long. You can look it up.

Ancient Chinese Gyro Compass Courtesy of Wikimedia Creative Commons
Nubian Meroe Pyramids Kingdom of Kush Courtesy of Wikimedia Creative Commons

One last point. Did you know that there were sub-Saharan (black) pharaohs in the Kingdom of Kush? Yes, there were. They had pyramids and written language and everything. They even conquered Egypt and ruled the Nile Valley at one time. Yes, that is true. Yes, actual, white European archaeologists have proven it. It has their stamp of approval and that’s what matters. Originally, back at the turn of the 20th century, a white European archaeologist discovered the Kingdom of Kush but he didn’t like black people being pharaohs. He just didn’t like black people at all. So, he hid his documentation. Eventually, in the last several years, a reputable European archaeologist, also white, found the hidden papers, went back to Sudan and began excavating. Oh oh! The secret’s out. Yes, people all over the world had civilization, not just Europeans.

I am writing this today, the anniversary of the January 6th Insurrection. These people and other horrible people make me ashamed to be an American. I know how we are viewed in other countries. I speak with people from other countries. Trust me, their viewpoint of the United States isn’t good at all. I want to say that I see that there are good people both Democrats and Republicans fighting back against the anti-Americans. I also want to say let’s be vocal. Let’s get the word out. Right is right and wrong is wrong. Let’s set things right and stop the wrongs. America could possibly be a good country in the future.



Diana Montgomery she/her/ally/Christian
Diana Montgomery she/her/ally/Christian

Written by Diana Montgomery she/her/ally/Christian

I hope to always speak truth and to be helpful to anyone reading my writings.

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