Happy to do so. I was going to do so anyway. Now I may not write the story that I had contemplated writing.
Start with the Big Bang. Well, that has been proven wrong. So, now there are bubble universes. The universe expands and collides with other universes. The problem with these theories is that they don’t account for a beginning. Science states that neither matter nor energy can be created or destroyed. Where did the matter and energy originate to first form universes? What created matter and energy.
Also, dimensions. Quantum physicists have now been able to show that there are other dimensional universes. They have not yet completely discovered what they are. I am waiting for them to discover God. That is what will happen. Back to item one.
Is there infinity? Yes. What is infinity? Where does the universe end? It doesn’t. In the past, science said that the universe ended. I saw this as being the same viewpoint as the early explorers believing that the earth simply dropped off at some point. To the people who believed this, they would fall off the end of the earth if they went too far. We now know that this is not true. The universe ends wherever we can no longer see with our telescopes or satellites except it doesn’t.
We are at the perfect distance from the sun and the moon to sustain life. Any closer or further away from either one and life could not exist on our planet. Now, it could be said that it is simply a coincidence that, out of the trillions of stars and planets, our planet is located at precisely the correct location to sustain life. However, more can be stated. Life is actually mathematical. That is, everything is formed through a process that can be described mathematically. The fact that it is not simply random requires a higher science to achieve. To me, God is the greatest scientist. Humans are simply trying to understand all of the science that God has provided.
Back to matter and energy. We humans and everything else is made up of atoms. The atoms form molecules. The molecules form compounds. We are created from these. We are created from atoms. We are mostly air because atoms are mostly air. Yet, we are structures. Our structures are composed of the energy and matter of atoms. We are not solid as many think that we are. I know that God is energy. Although we are also composed of matter, energy is the most important factor. Without energy, matter by itself would do nothing. Energy is, well, energetic.
Can you imagine no existence? That is what there would be without God. There would be absolutely nothing. So, the bottom line is that there has to be a God who I call, yes, you got it, God.
I do thank God for ensuring that I was taught physics. Now, I just have to wait for science to catch up. I always feel as though I am living in the dark ages.