I believe that everyone is bi to a certain extent even when they vehemently deny it. I am as heterosexual as anyone can be. Yet, there are certain women who I think so highly of that I have considered the possibility of a lesbian relationship with them. I could love these women. I could a very deep spiritual relationship with a woman, just not a physical one. What stops me is that I find parts of the female anatomy repulsive. I would guess that this is a negative viewpoint in respect to my own body. Their physiology is unappetizing me. I also find a man's physique very appetizing. I have always been hetero. Yet, I completely understand that other people do not have the same attractions that I do. To me, this is a fact of life.
So, am I at all surprised that Hugh Hefner had a bi side? No, not at all.
When Hugh said “We’re here on this planet for reasons we really don’t understand. That we spend time discriminating against one another rather than celebrating the mere fact of our mutual existences is the great tragedy of being alive”, he was absolutely right.
You write that Jennifer Saginor wrote in her book “They were just soulmates. All the girls would sort of come and go over the years, but they remained constants.” But over time, she adds, she realized the “spiritual connection” had become sexual. She says it seems to have “started” in orgies and an effort to “experience their open sexuality.” My feeling about this is so what? It was supposed to be hidden because "I was surprised to learn, from the horse’s mouth as it were, that it had been Hefner’s original intention to make Playboy magazine a bisexually oriented publication, but he had found too much resistance even among his liberal subscribers. A mere glimpse of male genitalia was enough apparently to unleash a barrage of complaints and a wave of subscription cancellations and he had, sadly he said, bowed to his public’s demands.”
The thing was that it was and it was not hidden. I haven't yet written the story that I really want to write which I will entitle "Things Boomers Lie About". Part of what I would like to expose is the fact that Boomers who claim that gay people did not exist are lying. We grew up with many amazing gay people. A few were out but many were not. Liberace was out. The Liberace Show became popular in the 1950s. There were also the Village People in the 1970s and others.
However, there were the hidden gay people, people like Rock Hudson and Jim Neighbors. Billy Jean King wasn't really out but she wasn't hiding either. Elton John had come out as bisexual in a 1976 interview with Rolling Stone. Did all of my fellow boomers not know this?
Little Richard had a difficult time coming to terms with his sexuality because he believed that it was not the Christian thing to do. On May 4, 1982, on Late Night with David Letterman, Richard said, "God gave me the victory. I'm not gay now, but, you know, I was gay all my life. I believe I was one of the first gay people to come out. But God let me know that he made Adam be with Eve, not Steve. So, I gave my heart to Christ." In his 1984 book, while demeaning homosexuality as "unnatural" and "contagious", he told Charles White he was "omnisexual".
In 1995, Richard told Penthouse that he always knew he was gay, saying "I've been gay all my life". In 2007, Mojo Magazine referred to Richard as "bisexual". In October 2017, Richard once again denounced homosexuality in an interview with the Christian Three Angels Broadcasting Network, calling homosexual and transgender identity "unnatural affection" that goes against "the way God wants you to live".
Here was a man who believed strongly that he should not be who he was. How sad is it that he believed that he should be what other people believed that he should be?
I often feel as if I have come back in time a thousand years to witness the ignorance of this time period not just as far as sexuality is concerned but with science, morals and ethics, politics, law, and many other topics. Nonsensical reasoning is often used. Nonsensical reasoning states that facts are not facts but does give valid reasons why this is true. In fact, nonsensical reasoning shows a total disregard for rationale thought. If facts can be contested with other facts, then logical reasoning is involved. If there are no other facts to explain, it is simply not rational. Think QAnon and many conspiracists. None are factually based.
It is rational to understand that people come in many flavors. People are snowflakes. Each one is unique. Each one has his or her own viewpoint and beliefs based on biology and environment, what psychology calls nature and nurture. When people discuss whether nature or nurture causes people to be who they are, I know that it is both, not one or the other. People are born biologically as they are born. Then, they are shaped by the opinions of the world. People are intricate and involved in a world where they are often forced to portray themselves as what others wish to see rather than as who they really are. This is such a sad statement.
Hugh Hefner could have been strictly gay, not even bi, but was he was forced by the times he lived in to act straight. That is what I see in this.