I strongly dislike the terms The Universe, Universal Consciousness, Cosmos, Karma, Spirituality, Meditation, and the like. God is all of those things, yet, by themselves, they have no definition. They can go in any direction and still be those terms. They are relative to whatever stance a person decides that they should mean. To me, they are meaningless.
I believe that the reason that people do not seek God is because they have seen so much that is ungodly in "Christians" and people of other religions. They have been frightened away from God. Go to any time period of Christianity and you see the cruel, murderous, controlling, hard-heartedness of people who represented God.
My viewpoint is to explain to any of these people that God is love. I speak openly of God wherever I go. Many people walk away. My own son is a devout atheist. Yet, little by little I have explained to him that the "Christians" that he knows of are not Christians because they do not follow Jesus.
I also believe that we can only give a word then leave it at that. We should not try to force God on people. God does not force Himself/Herself on people. God knows where we are in our walk.
So, I believe in speaking truth but not forcing the issue. Gentle persuasion is the most that we can do. Just a word here and there.
A couple of other things. I started life as an atheist. God came to me many times in many ways before I believed. Also, when my brother first became a Christian, he walked up to many people telling them that if they did not become saved, they would go to hell. I had to explain to him that this is not a good approach and that people need to know that God is love. Recently, I realized, concretely, how important this is. If someone is saved, they don't need to be threatened. If they aren't saved, threatening them will not bring them to Jesus. It will push them away.
So, understand why they believe the way that they believe then tread lightly. Evangelize but only a little. You give a word and I give word. Eventually, they will see the truth. That is how God works.