I’m Pro-Life?
As I waited in line at the drug store drive-thru, I noticed that the car in front of me had a bumper sticker that read. “I’m Pro-Life, Are You?” This is not an unusual thing to see where I live. Many of the people in my area are staunch Right to Life supporters who consider themselves Christians. They go to a great deal of effort to fight abortion. They attend protests. They attempt to stop women from having abortions. They even kill abortion doctors. As I waited in line at the drug store drive-thru, I noticed that the car in front of me had a bumper sticker that read. “I’m Pro-Life, Are You?” This is not an unusual thing to see where I live. Many of the people in my area are staunch Right to Life supporters who consider themselves Christians. They go to a great deal of effort to fight abortion. They attend protests. They attempt to stop women from having abortions. They even kill abortion doctors.
Having to wait, I had time to contemplate all that the Pro-Life, Anti-abortion movement meant. I am a Christian. I believe in all of the things that Jesus said. I know that the Ten Commandment say “Thou shalt not kill” but my mind went back to an interview during the last presidential election. A reporter had asked a Christian man why he would vote for Biden. Didn’t he care about the abortion issue? His answer was mine. “What about after the babies are born? Who will care for them?” I am a Christian who is Pro-Choice until the day Christians do what Jesus told them to do.
We all know what happened in Texas recently. How dare women kill their babies in utero? How dare doctors take the lives of the unborn? This is murder. Yet, in the past, the right to life advocates did not protest abortion doctors being murdered. Abortion doctors were killed by Pro-Life Christians. Thou shalt not kill unless it’s an abortion doctor. Could this be any more ironic?
These people claim that being Pro-Life is a Christian thing but they don’t follow any other Christian principles. They don’t care about all of the death caused in other ways after babies are born. Only the nine month gestational period matters. After that, they forget that the babies exist.
Right to Life people don’t mind the police murdering people of color with impunity. It’s okay for a man to die by a cop pinning his neck for over eight minutes or an innocent young man to be overdosed on ketamine causing his death, or a caring innocent young woman being shot to death in her own home, or the many other innocent people who have died violently and unjustly by the hand of a cop. It is fine for innocent people to be wrongfully imprisoned or even executed. These “Christians” don’t mind First Citizen women being murdered at an alarming rate. They do nothing to attempt to prevent their deaths. To these Pro-Life Christians, it is not a problem for poor kids to grow up with violence, wondering if they will be shot as they walk down the street in their neighborhoods. These children grow up with PTSD and depression. They are deprived, hopeless, tragically lost, full of despair. Some of them learn to kill simply because they have no alternative. Many children are born into violent environments in their own homes. Some die at the hands of their own parents. Oh well, at least they weren’t killed inside the womb. It was better for them to be born into a horrific situation than to die before birth.
Homeless people are not important. Not even homeless families, not even homeless children. If they die due to starvation, disease, or violence, that is simply a fact of life. These Pro-Family Conservative people don’t mind at all as long as their own families are safe and healthy. Some college students are homeless just trying to get through. Food pantries have had to be established on college campuses to feed students who don’t have enough money for food. Some college kids have no where to go on college breaks. Where are the Pro-Life Christians when these young people need help?
Never mind the asylum seekers, many of them Christian families, at the southern border. Don’t let them in. We got ours. We don’t want them to mess up our happy life. They might get in the way of our greedy ambitions. Never mind if they die. Never mind that many of the asylum seekers are so desperate that they will even send their young children over the border unescorted in an effort to save their lives. Their deaths don’t matter. They don’t have a right to life.
Children starving within the United States are completely unimportant. Some are born into extreme poverty. They’re so hungry that they can’t concentrate on school. They can’t learn. These supposed Christians are the same people who attempt to deny healthcare to the poor, totally unconcerned about the fact that many people will die without healthcare. Many already have. People have to decide between whether to eat or whether to buy their medications. That isn’t important because those people have already been born. These hypocritical people who call themselves Christians don’t want welfare to assist the downtrodden with food or housing either.
There are many children who start life in very bad situations. They are born to addicted parents, alcoholics or drug addicts. They become street kids. They aren’t bathed or fed. Their clothes are dirty and torn. They have no training in life skills. They have no medical care. Above all else, they have no love. They know that no one cares about them as they forage for food, walking to the local Salvation Army food kitchen. This is the only way that they will eat. These “Christians” don’t go out to the street to help these children but they are quick to raise their hands and praise the Lord in church. Aren’t they good people.
None of this matters. In fact, it matters so little that these Christians could care less about any of these things even though Jesus specifically told them to care and to help. The problem is that Jesus said a whole lot more than many Christians seem to remember or care about. He said to love and help everyone else no matter who they are. He said to help the poor, the widows, the prisoners and, the orphans. Very few of them help anyone but themselves. This is not being a Christian.
Some children are born to mothers who were raped by their own fathers, their uncles or someone else. These young women can’t love their children. Little girls get pregnant. Twelve, thirteen, fourteen years old. They aren’t mature enough to be parents. Sometimes their parents send them out of their house because the little girls who weren’t taught to use birth control have sinned or shamed the family. Sometimes grandma tries to help. That works if grandma is healthy but not if she can no longer care for children. Then the children have to go somewhere else. There might be another relative but there might not be.
Years ago, I knew a girl in foster care. When she turned 18 and was being pushed out of her foster family’s home, she committed suicide. Her foster parents didn’t love her. She wasn’t a part of the family. So much for family values. Yes, her foster parents really did cause her death. It was all about the money that the foster parents earned for taking care of her. Once there was no more money coming in for her, she became completely unimportant to the foster parents. I respect foster parents who adopt their foster children. They have an understanding of love, morals, right and wrong.
Now, if some Christians believe that abortion is a sin, I would say that they should take all of those unwanted kids in and raise them as their own. They should provide a home, food, education, clothes, medical care, life skills and, above all else, love. Those children should be sent to college and be able to come home on college breaks. All of these children should be able to come home to a forever home, to a family who welcomes them, helps them, loves them. That is the Christian thing to do.
These Conservative religious people who are not really Christians enjoy the spoils of war. They advocate for a large military budget. Yes, the military is needed. I’m not a pacifist but the military budget is not to assist military members. They are completely unconcerned about the lives of the military members lost to the wars or the number of military members living in poverty. Some military members take second jobs. Some even sell their blood just to get by. The only concern of the Right to Life people is how much money can be made through government contracts. We have to keep the industrial war machine going.
Right to Life people don’t mind the fact that the earth is already so polluted that we are having a great number of natural disasters due to climate change because of Conservatives who make money their god exactly what Jesus said not to do. Industry has killed our world. It is already too late to turn back. Future generations will have an uninhabitable world. The earth will die. These people who claim to be Christians are totally unconcerned about their own progeny. To them, not only is money God but Socialism is a dirty word. I have some news for them. Jesus was a Socialist.
It is almost humorous, though, that the right wingers have adopted the slogan My Body, My Choice from the Pro-Choice people in reference to mask wearing. Funny that they should have rights but other people should not. They are the people who advocate for gun rights too. Assault rifles which are used to kill people, no other reason, is a right. Right to life?
So, to all of the Christians who want to “Focus on the Family” with their Pro-Life convictions, I say that if they don’t believe in abortion, then they should take some kids in. Take a few from an orphanage and a few from foster care. Better yet, help the pregnant women and girls who have no where to turn. Take a few kids off the streets. Take a few out of bad environments. Take a few LGBTQ+ kids who have been pushed out of their homes because their parents could not accept them based on skewed religious grounds. Being gay is not a sin but that is an entirely different story. Even if being gay was a sin, the greater sin is to not love others. That is their duty as Christians. It is what Jesus said to do. While they are at it, they should help the poor in any way that they can. They should not store up treasures on earth. Jesus told them not to. All of the televangelists and megachurches should sell their jet planes and compounds then give all of that money away to people who need it to eat or pay for medication or to be housed. Jesus said to love everyone. He said that everyone is your neighbor. He said to help everyone and, above all else, He said not to judge others because you are not without sin. Lack of love is a sin.
Jesus said that two Commandments were above all others — love God first and love your neighbor as yourself. Some Christians seem to equate loving God with trying to live every other law except loving others. The problem is that the only laws that were to be followed were those of love, not hate and not cold heartedness. Even all of the Ten Commandments tell people not to do evil against others. Don’t kill others. Don’t steal from others. Don’t fool around on your spouse, don’t lie about other people, don’t be jealous of other people’s possessions, don’t treat your parents badly and, above all else, don’t pretend that you love God when you don’t.
Jesus explained that to love God, you must follow His (Jesus’) Commandments. His Commandments are to love. That is what you need to follow to be a Christian. My favorite passage in the Bible is 1 John 4:8 which says whoever does not love does not know God because God is love.
Until all of the Christians learn to love all people by helping them when they are in need, I will believe in abortion. If Christians aren’t helping the less fortunate, they are not really Christians. Right to life? Sometimes that winds up being right to death whether it is a literal death or the death of a life because of bad circumstances that are lived. I believe in the right to life for all people who have been born. They believe that death is okay for people who have been born except for themselves. They have complete apathy toward the life of their fellow man with the exception of abortion. Apathy is not caring. Apathy is not love. Apathy is not the Christian way.
Another of my favorite passages is Matthew 7:22–23 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ Jesus has their number.
As Jesus would say, Ye hypocrites. I’m pro-life?
Having to wait, I had time to contemplate all that the Pro-Life, Anti-abortion movement meant. I am a Christian. I believe in all of the things that Jesus said. I know that the Ten Commandment say “Thou shalt not kill” but my mind went back to an interview during the last presidential election. A reporter had asked a Christian man why he would vote for Biden. Didn’t he care about the abortion issue? His answer was mine. “What about after the babies are born? Who will care for them?” I am a Christian who is pro-choice until the day Christians do what Jesus told them to do.
We all know what happened in Texas recently. How dare women kill their babies in utero? How dare doctors take the lives of the unborn? This is murder. Yet, in the past, the right to life advocates did not protest abortion doctors being murdered. Abortion doctors were killed by Pro-Life Christians. Thou shalt not kill unless it’s an abortion doctor. Could this be any more ironic?
These people claim that being Pro-Life is a Christian thing but they don’t follow any other Christian principles. They don’t care about all of the death caused in other ways after babies are born. Only the nine month gestational period matters. After that, they forget that the babies exist.
Right to Life people don’t mind the police murdering people of color with impunity. It’s okay for a man to die by a cop pinning his neck for over eight minutes or an innocent young man to be overdosed on ketamine causing his death, or a caring innocent young woman being shot to death in her own home, or the many other innocent people who have died violently and unjustly by the hand of a cop. It is fine for innocent people to be wrongfully imprisoned or even executed. These “Christians” don’t mind First Citizen women being murdered at an alarming rate. They do nothing to attempt to prevent their deaths. To these Pro-Life Christians, it is not a problem for poor kids to grow up with violence, wondering if they will be shot as they walk down the street in their neighborhoods. These children grow up with PTSD and depression. They are deprived, hopeless, tragically lost, full of despair. Some of them learn to kill simply because they have no alternative. Many children are born into violent environments in their own homes. Some die at the hands of their own parents. Oh well, at least they weren’t killed inside the womb. It was better for them to be born into a horrific situation than to die before birth.
Homeless people are not important. Not even homeless families, not even homeless children. If they die due to starvation, disease, or violence, that is simply a fact of life. These Pro-Family, Conservative people don’t mind at all as long as their own families are safe and healthy. Some college students are homeless just trying to get through. Food pantries have had to be established on college campuses to feed students who don’t have enough money for food. Some college kids have no where to go on college breaks. Where are the Pro-Life Christians when these young people need help?
Never mind the asylum seekers, many of them Christian families, at the southern border. Don’t let them in. We got ours. We don’t want them to mess up our happy life. They might get in the way of our greedy ambitions. Never mind if they die. Never mind that many of the asylum seekers are so desperate that they will even send their young children over the border unescorted in an effort to save their lives. Their deaths don’t matter. They don’t have a right to life.
Children starving within the United States are completely unimportant. Some are born into extreme poverty. They’re so hungry that they can’t concentrate on school. They can’t learn. These supposed Christians are the same people who attempt to deny healthcare to the poor, totally unconcerned about the fact that many people will die without healthcare. Many already have. People have to decide between whether to eat or whether to buy their medications. That isn’t important because those people have already been born. These hypocritical people who call themselves Christians don’t want welfare to assist the downtrodden with food or housing either.
There are many children who start life in very bad situations. They are born to addicted parents, alcoholics or drug addicts. They become street kids. They aren’t bathed or fed. Their clothes are dirty and torn. They have no training in life skills. They have no medical care. Above all else, they have no love. They know that no one cares about them as they forage for food, walking to the local Salvation Army food kitchen. This is the only way that they will eat. These “Christians” don’t go out to the street to help these children but they are quick to raise their hands and praise the Lord in church. Aren’t they good people.
None of this matters. In fact, it matters so little that these Christians could care less about any of these things even though Jesus specifically told them to care and to help. The problem is that Jesus said a whole lot more than many Christians seem to remember or care about. He said to love and help everyone else no matter who they are. He said to help the poor, the widows, the prisoners and, the orphans. Very few of them help anyone but themselves. This is not being a Christian.
Some children are born to mothers who were raped by their own fathers, their uncles or someone else. These young women can’t love their children. Little girls get pregnant. Twelve, thirteen, fourteen years old. They aren’t mature enough to be parents. Sometimes their parents send them out of their house because the little girls who weren’t taught to use birth control have sinned or shamed the family. Sometimes grandma tries to help. That works if grandma is healthy but not if she can no longer care for children. Then the children have to go somewhere else. There might be another relative but there might not be.
Years ago, I knew a girl in foster care. When she turned 18 and was being pushed out of her foster family’s home, she committed suicide. Her foster parents didn’t love her. She wasn’t a part of the family. So much for family values. Yes, her foster parents really did cause her death. It was all about the money that the foster parents earned for taking care of her. Once there was no more money coming in for her, she became completely unimportant to the foster parents. I respect foster parents who adopt their foster children. They have an understanding of love, morals, right and wrong.
Now, if some Christians believe that abortion is a sin, I would say that they should take all of those unwanted kids in and raise them as their own. They should provide a home, food, education, clothes, medical care, life skills and, above all else, love. Those children should be sent to college and be able to come home on college breaks. All of these children should be able to come home to a forever home, to a family who welcomes them, helps them, loves them. That is the Christian thing to do.
These Conservative religious people who are not really Christians enjoy the spoils of war. They advocate for a large military budget. Yes, the military is needed. I’m not a pacifist but the military budget is not to assist military members. They are completely unconcerned about the lives of the military members lost to the wars or the number of military members living in poverty. Some military members take second jobs. Some even sell their blood just to get by. The only concern of the Right to Life people is how much money can be made through government contracts. We have to keep the industrial war machine going.
Right to Life people don’t mind the fact that the earth is already so polluted that we are having a great number of natural disasters due to climate change because of Conservatives who make money their god exactly what Jesus said not to do. Industry has killed our world. It is already too late to turn back. Future generations will have an uninhabitable world. The earth will die. These people who claim to be Christians are totally unconcerned about their own progeny. To them, not only is money God but Socialism is a dirty word. I have some news for them. Jesus was a Socialist.
It is almost humorous, though, that the right wingers have adopted the slogan My Body, My Choice from the Pro-Choice people in reference to mask wearing. Funny that they should have rights but other people should not. They are the people who advocate for gun rights too. Assault rifles which are used to kill people, no other reason, is a right. Right to life?
So, to all of the Christians who want to “Focus on the Family” with their Pro-Life convictions, I say that if they don’t believe in abortion, then they should take some kids in. Take a few from an orphanage and a few from foster care. Better yet, help the pregnant women and girls who have no where to turn. Take a few kids off the streets. Take a few out of bad environments. Take a few LGBTQ+ kids who have been pushed out of their homes because their parents could not accept them based on skewed religious grounds. Being gay is not a sin but that is an entirely different story. Even if being gay was a sin, the greater sin is to not love others. That is their duty as Christians. It is what Jesus said to do. While they are at it, they should help the poor in any way that they can. They should not store up treasures on earth. Jesus told them not to. All of the televangelists and megachurches should sell their jet planes and compounds then give all of that money away to people who need it to eat or pay for medication or to be housed. Jesus said to love everyone. He said that everyone is your neighbor. He said to help everyone and, above all else, He said not to judge others because you are not without sin. Lack of love is a sin.
Jesus said that two Commandments were above all others — love God first and love your neighbor as yourself. Some Christians seem to equate loving God with trying to live every other law except loving others. The problem is that the only laws that were to be followed were those of love, not hate and not cold heartedness. Even all of the Ten Commandments tell people not to do evil against others. Don’t kill others. Don’t steal from others. Don’t fool around on your spouse, don’t lie about other people, don’t be jealous of other people’s possessions, don’t treat your parents badly and, above all else, don’t pretend that you love God when you don’t.
Jesus explained that to love God, you must follow His (Jesus’) Commandments. His Commandments are to love. That is what you need to follow to be a Christian. My favorite passage in the Bible is 1 John 4:8 which says whoever does not love does not know God because God is love.
Until all of the Christians learn to love all people by helping them when they are in need, I will believe in abortion. If Christians aren’t helping the less fortunate, they are not really Christians. Right to life? Sometimes that winds up being right to death whether it is a literal death or the death of a life because of bad circumstances that are lived. I believe in the right to life for all people who have been born. They believe that death is okay for people who have been born except for themselves. They have complete apathy toward the life of their fellow man with the exception of abortion. Apathy is not caring. Apathy is not love. Apathy is not the Christian way.
Another of my favorite passages is Matthew 7:22–23 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ Jesus has their number.
As Jesus would say, Ye hypocrites. I’m Pro-Life?