Really? My entire response stated exactly that the thing that created things was God, not nothing. Was this an avoidance tactic because you couldn’t come up with a logical argument against God?
You are correct about the name for the Higgs-boson particle. It was the goddamn particle because it was so difficult to find. I had forgotten this because I read that many years ago. However, it would require an intelligence to create the intricacies of an atom. This could not happen accidentally. Then, the intricacy of atoms of many weights and the creation of molecules through atoms bonding together. Then, molecules forming compounds. Then, multiple compounds being formed into structures such as humans, trees, and rocks. Do you really believe that this all could have occurred accidentally with no intelligence behind it? There are so many other things. Look at DNA. How complex is that? This could not have been accidental.
We could turn to quantum physics/mechanics. Dimensions. Very interesting. There are things at higher levels than our own which we cannot see and can only vaguely comprehend. There are other worlds which we do not yet have access to. How is this possible? While many people deny the existence of God, I believe that we will one day find that God is in a different dimension.
How about math? Math creates order out of chaos. So does God. How is it possible that everything is so well ordered that it can be shown mathematically? This requires an intelligent author.
How about consciousness? No one has yet been able to explain it but maybe you have an insight beyond that of great scientists and philosophers who spent their lives seeking the answer to this question.
As was stated by other respondents, you write what you write in an effort to gain numerous responses. However, I write from the heart. This is the most important and intriguing subject that there is to me. So, feel free to respond to my response. I do have more to add.