Thank you, Brother Terry. Very interesting read. I never liked the Baptist denomination, not that I like denominations of any type. I have always thought of all Baptists as fundamentalists because any Baptist church that I attended was fundamentalist. We even have a few of those where I live in Northern New York State. My brother "got religion" in one of these churches. I have spent many hours trying to turn him to Jesus and away from the Baptist viewpoint. To me, the Baptists teach against what Jesus taught.
After reading what you wrote, I went to the SBC website. There, I found the following.
Southern Baptist churches display love of their neighbor, their enemy, their community, and God’s people.
Southern Baptists are a people committed to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with the world.
Southern Baptist churches prioritize generosity to support work in North America and around the world
Fueling the Great Commission
Since our inception, we have always had one mission — fulfilling the Great Commission.
That all sounds good but it never seems to be what they actually practice. When you write "On the website, these theological sleuths discovered something shocking. Among those listed as leaders was this biographical description: “He is a tireless advocate for LGBTQ+ community.” Consequently, they demanded to know how the church can be considered in “friendly cooperation” with the Southern Baptist Convention.", you have to wonder how they square that with their love of neighbor and enemy whichever they consider LGBTQ+ to be.
As far as proclaiming the Good News with the Great Commission, I have never seen anything good in the news that they proclaim. Everything that I have seen is very negative.
Yes, the SBC “police force” is the Baptist Gestapo. Thank you for offering to point them in the right direction.
So, your friend is right in not responding to their request. Personally, I would respond with "We are not a Baptist church. We are a Christian church." But that's just me.