Thanks, Mark. I’m a very strong person. God trained me up well but it is still nice to know that I am not fighting the good fight alone.
I know that they are misguided. They are being guided by satan. I want to end this to save their souls. I care for all of my neighbors no matter what they believe. God loves every person but people turn away from God. It is the calling of all Christians to try to turn them back to God. We can’t do that alone. We need God and our brothers and sisters in Christ to do this.
Yes, I ask God every single day “Why do I bother?” I know that God doesn’t need my help but I believe that my emotions about issues of right and wrong are heard by God. This is fervent prayer. I am a prayer warrior. I know that this is true because I have had so many prayers answered when I was very emotionally concerned. Jesus said that our hearts matter to God more than anything else. Our genuine faith can cause God to turn things around as He gives us the desires of our hearts. In Revelation 3:15–16, these words were written to the Church in Laodicea but they apply to all Christians.
15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm — neither hot nor cold — I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
Christians should be on fire for the Lord.
Not Biblical but I call this tilts. Everything tilts to become something entirely different and better when I ask Jesus to stand with me. This tells me that I am on the right track. Yes, feeling it with all of your heart matters. Otherwise, you are lukewarm.
The desire of my heart is to stop hate, lies, and cold-heartedness in this country and around the world. What I see constantly is the opposite of what I know to be good. I just want good in this world. With God all things are possible including this.