Wonderful story! I could say many things but I will say that this is why I am a Democrat and would be a Socialist if I believed that they could win. I believe that there should not be people with numerous mansions, jet planes and yachts that they gained wealth to buy because they used the sweat and tears of other people to gain wealth. Most of these people could care less that others starve or do without in other ways.
In the States, we live in the great American racist, capitalist system. Poverty causes all of the situations that you saw. This happens everywhere that poverty exists. In England, in a predominantly white city (I don't remember which one), the same things happened. I live in a very poor small city and have lived in poverty for most of my life. We have much of the same here. It always comes down to the greedy, selfish people who keep others down so that they can maintain their power and wealth. Since the European Americans, the white people, have the power and the wealth, they keep anyone who isn't white and born with at least some wealth down. This includes the American worker no matter which skin tone they have.
Capitalism doesn't follow the Constitution or the other documents that established the United States. "The people" lose with capitalism. The terms capitalism and free enterprise were coined in the 18th century and used by the robber barons who gained power and wealth in the United States in the 19th century. In telling "the people" that they could succeed if they worked hard, "the people" believed that they, too, could become successful. That was a lie. Without financial backing, it is nearly impossible for anyone to achieve wealth. The silver spoon is almost always the way that people succeed.
When you have people born into poverty, they don't receive many other benefits that would help them to succeed. They receive poor education because their neighborhoods don't have the same tax dollars to employ quality teachers or provide books, computers and other needed items to succeed. People are held back and they become hopeless. Drug addicts aren't addicts because the drugs addict them. They are drug addicts because they feel hopeless. The same is true of alcoholism. They self medicate to alleviate their pain. Studies have shown that when people are given decent housing and jobs, they end their addictions because they have hope.
The capitalist system hurts the majority of "the people". Even global warming was caused by the greed of Big Oil who knew of global warming in the 50s. They didn't care that even their own children or grandchildren could die. They only cared about the money that they could make to buy mansions, jet planes and yachts. Corporate America does all that it can to ensure their high earnings off the sweat and tears of the American worker.
So, I very much appreciate that you wrote this story. You have reached out to other people who were born into good financial circumstances. Everyone should experience what poverty creates. As the saying goes, walk a mile in someone else's shoes to understand. Don't judge others when you have never experienced the same thing yourself.
Jesus taught all of this. Yet, we have Conservative "Christians" attempting to control the Untied States. They are attempting to maintain their power and wealth. They are not followers of Jesus. Jesus said that no one can serve both money and God.
Matthew 6:24 "No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."
They chose money. Now, they lie and hide everything that Jesus taught for their own purposes.
Romans 16:18 For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people.
Jesus was a Socialist.